
Linga Bhairavi 22KT Gold Pendant

Consecrated Linga Bhairavi pendant made from gold, with the yantra on the rear.


Weight100 g


Net Weight

16g, 24g, 4g, 8g

Sandal or Kumkum or Black Design

Same price for all Design


It is Consecrated Gold Pendant
Has Linga Bhairavi in sandal on the front and Devi symbol on the back
22 Kt Gold
BIS Certified
Price includes making charges, GST & delivery charges

How to wear this pendant?

If you wish to wear this pendant with a necklace/thread of your choosing, the material must be copper, silver, gold, or silk.
Please do not wear any of the Linga Bhairavi pendants with any other metals or materials.
The pendant can be worn by anyone of any age.

What you should know

Linga Bhairavi 22kt gold pendant is available in 4 variations: 4 gram, 8 gram, 16 gram, and 24 gram.
You can choose from three Enamel colours – Red, Sandal & Black.
It is also available in Plain Gold in an 8 gram variation.

Sadhguru says: “One who earns the grace of Bhairavi neither has to live in concern or fear of life or death, of poverty, or of failure. All that a human being considers as wellbeing will be his if only he earns the grace of Bhairavi”.

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