Enter your contact information

    Specify your address to send

    Enter links to the product of interest to you

    How we work

    When you use the Mail Forwarding service, we will get your order to our warehouse from any Indian online store.

    To use the service "Mail Forwarding" you need to fill out an application. Our manager will provide you with an order calculation as soon as possible.

    Application processing

    You fill out an application on our website, where you specify links to products from any Indian Internet mageazine.


    Calculation and payment

    We provide you with an order calculation. After agreeing, you pay for the service in one convenient way
    упаковка товаров

    Checking and sending

    Your order is delivered to our warehouse, where it is checked and packaged for international shipment upon your request. Next, we are at your address.

    Receiving a parcel

    You receive the parcel and enjoy the greetings from sunny India! And do not forget to leave us review 😀
    Payment, goods from India, Оплата индийских товаров, оплата, рупия, RS, MRP, Indian rupee

    Mail Forwarding Service cost

    Our remuneration for receiving, checking and sending the goods will be only 10% of the value of your purchase in a third-party online store.

    гоа, рынок, магазин, товары из Индии, Goa, market, shop, goods from India, Mail Forwarding, buy, worldwide delivery, goabay, online shop, Shop from India, Low Prices, купить с доставкой в Россию, goabay, интернет магазин, Товары из Индии, Низкие цены,

    Which online stores in India can be interesting for buyers all over the world?

    Buying products online in India is as popular as anywhere else in the world. Here is a brief overview of popular online stores in India.

    The abundance of local shops, stores and supermarkets of this mysterious country is peculiar not only to offline life. The same crazy set of sites and marketplaces you will find in the English-speaking segment of the Indian Internet. Buying goods throw the Internet in India is as popular as in any other country in the world.

    Mail Forwarding Service Questions & Answers

    You can edit or cancel the order by writing to [email protected]

    The status of the order you can check with our Manager for any of the available contacts. You also get a track code to track the parcel.
    The use of the service “Store in India” is only possible with full payment to the service GoaBay. Yes, this is possible. You are required to provide contact details and a key person at the supplier, the exact full name of the product, brand, quantity. If an invoice is received from the supplier, it must also be provided.
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