
Neroli Bergamot Ambience Diffuser Oil Refill

Few fragrances are fresher than the invigorating scent of the bright and vibrant orange blossoms of neroli. That’s probably why this fragrance is an all-time favourite! it’s cheerful scent instantly perks up the mind with its zesty citrus note.

Original price was: 999.00₹.Current price is: 579.00₹.

Weight250 g

Volume / Объём

100 ml

Content: 100 ml.
Beautiful to look at, heavenly to smell! Sometimes the smallest of things make a world of a difference. Delicately scented reed sticks gently diffusing perfume is the perfect finishing touch your space needs. Its dainty little decanter lends an air of elegance and beauty to the interiors while its exquisite fragrance accentuates the ambience with a subtle, lingering scent.
Little Pleasures The morning dew drops sparkle bright in the rays of the sun, colourful butterflies dance from flower to flower as the soft spring breeze blows gently over fresh blooms, filling the atmosphere with their sweet fragrance. You stand there soaking it all in, reveling in the little pleasures of life! Inspired from nature and its goodness, we bring to you an incredible selection of charming fragrances. Vibrant, fresh and new, this range is sure to captivate your heart and make you smile.
How to Use:
Avoid Heat or flame. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Avoid direct contact with food products.

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