
Bamboo Toothbrush (Adult and Kids)

Go natural by using our biodegradable and eco-friendly bamboo toothbrush.


Weight100 g


Adult, Kids

  • Here’s to happy teeth and happy earth! This organic bamboo toothbrush is environment-friendly and makes a great replacement for plastic toothbrushes.
  • Designed with a glossy surface and soft bristles, our durable light-weight toothbrush gives you the same kind of cleaning (if not better) as your current toothbrush.
  • What’s more, bamboo’s natural antimicrobial properties can prevent the growth of microbes during normal use.
  • Let’s make little changes in our lifestyle that can go a long way in caring for Mother Earth!

Product Details

Why  Bamboo Toothbrush? – 100% natural plant-based – Biodegradable and eco-friendly – Natural antimicrobial properties – Lightweight and durable Sadhguru Says: “Conscious living is the only solution for the environment.” Read the complete article. What you should know: Bamboo darkens with use, which is normal. Rinsing: Make sure the toothbrush bristles and handle are dried with a soft towel immediately after rinsing. Storing: Do not put a cover on the toothbrush. Store it in an open, dry container. Maintenance: If you wish, the toothbrush can be kept under sunlight at regular periods. Replace like a normal toothbrush (after 3-4 months of usage).

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