
Triphala Chooranam, 100 gm / 100 pcs Tablet

An all-natural medicine comprising of three powerful fruits, Triphala Chooranam is an antioxidant and is though to support bowel health.


Weight150 g


powder, Tablet

Ayurveda prescribes all-natural Triphala Chooranam for those facing digestive issues and looking to boost their general health. It is made of three powerful fruits (hence the name Triphala), which are all native to India: Bibhitaki, Amalaki and Haritaki. Each of these three fruits are thought to positively impact your body’s three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha.

As an antioxidant, Triphala Chooranam is also thought to detoxify your body and support your immune system. And, if you listen closely to your body, it will thank you for using a natural remedy!

Product Details Triphala Chooranam

  •  Known to balance the body’s three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha
  •  Known as a laxative, it works as a mild constipation reliever
  •  Supports bowel health and aids digestion
  •  Improves overall general health

What’s in Triphala Chooranam?

Terminalia Chebula Frt (Harad), Emblica Officinalis Frt (Amla), Terminalia Bellerica Frt (Bahera)

How to consume Triphala Chooranam?

Take two to four tablets with water 2-3 times a day, after food, or as directed by a physician.

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