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Indian Incense Do not underestimate the importance of fragrances in our daily life! With the help of them you can raise your spirits, improve your health, wake up passion or adjust your mind to a working wave. Aromatherapy is one of the components of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The enchanting Indian and Tibetan incense is still an indispensable attribute of religious rituals. They include known aromatic and medicinal substances, spices. You can consult with a specialist, pick up the fragrance according to the horoscope, by the rules of feng shui or just follow your inner sensation. Do not worry about the price: quality incenses are available and if you order them wholesale for example for a massage parlor or a meditative hall in a yoga school the price will be even more pleasant. But avoid very cheap options — most often it’s coal incense the content of natural flavors in which is much lower. Buy sticks or cones, oil for aromatic lamps or concentrated mixtures for puffing — the choice depends on individual susceptibility, size of rooms and purposes. In addition, accessories such as a cradle or incense burner in the oriental style will complement the overall atmosphere of mystery and spirituality.
🧘🏻Yoga Store
Indian jewelry and jewelry About 5,000 years ago, according to historians, the people of India began to make their first jewelry. These were not just jewelry, but powerful amulets and important symbols. Endless inspiration for the masters was nature. And still we find these motifs in bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Shine of precious stones is intended to convey the purity of dew drops, the tenderness of flower petals, the juiciness of ripe fruit. READ MORE
Indian Cosmetics «The art of decorating» is a literal translation from the Greek language of the word «Cosmetics». Decorate, emphasize what nature has given. And initially only natural components were used for this: plants, oils, products of animal origin. In Ancient India cosmetics were used by men, women, children, and elderly people. Of course all this was done in compliance with the rules of the caste system and religious affiliation. Particular attention was paid to the eyes — the mirror of the soul. Beauties used mascara and antimony as eyeliner. By the way, in our days you can meet young men with a similar make-up and even babies — this is an ancient way to protect against the evil eye, as well as the method of healing eyelids. Residents of India know a lot about the special properties of herbals, bark of trees, minerals and have long used them in the manufacture of cosmetics. Trust in the experience of ancient wisdom and maintain your natural beauty with health benefits! Welcome to our online store featuring leading Indian brands.
👕Clothes & Shoes
Clothing and footwear from India Textile production Textile production is one of the oldest and most important industries for the Indian economy. Indian fabrics with an elegant design and rich decor were valued all over the world since ancient times. Some secrets of coloring are kept in secret until now. Large and small clothing and footwear stores are found at every step in major cities and in the smallest settlements of the country. But more and more often modern Indians use the services of online stores. India ranks second in the world in the production of silk nowadays. Indian cotton and wool are equally popular. Some folk crafts of this sphere have become objects of cultural heritage and tourist interest: unique silk saris; clothing in national style with rich embroidery and inlay; luxurious pashmina of the finest wool of yak; shoes — shoes of mojody and jute with funny bells and weaves; Indian national clothes Indian national clothes are practical and suitable for hot summer, travel, sports and yoga due to natural materials and loose cut. Special clothes and jeans, t-shirts, dresses and skirts of Indian manufacture are popular. A huge assortment of catalogs of official sites of clothes and…
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Bags & Purses
Bags and Purses from India Leatherworking in India has a long history of development and improvement. Secrets of production and processing, coloring have survived to this day. This contributes to the continuing popularity of women’s and men’s bags, purses and cases for phones from India. The country ranks sixth among the world’s suppliers of leather and products from it. For some states this is one of the traditional crafts in which masters have reached perfection. Ladies’ clutches and hiking backpacks, capacious valise bags and waist bags – all this is done on conscience. Now Indian manufacturers follow world fashion trends and offer a stylish and competitive product. In India they produce leather clothes and accessories for such brands as Pierre Cardin, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, DKNY, Hugo Boss. Admirers of ethnic style will attract pretty embossed bags and wallets with motifs from local folklore and everyday scenes of life. They can combine several textures, different colors and bright decor. Do not forget about the strong tapestry backpacks, fabric bags with beautiful prints, cotton slings. They will be appreciated by adherents of the eco-style. In addition, for vegetarians and all animals-lovers there is a large selection of worthy bags and accessories from…
Books and CDs
Clothes & Shoes
Clothing and footwear from India Textile production Textile production is one of the oldest and most important industries for the Indian economy. Indian fabrics with an elegant design and rich decor were valued all over the world since ancient times. Some secrets of coloring are kept in secret until now. Large and small clothing and footwear stores are found at every step in major cities and in the smallest settlements of the country. But more and more often modern Indians use the services of online stores. India ranks second in the world in the production of silk nowadays. Indian cotton and wool are equally popular. Some folk crafts of this sphere have become objects of cultural heritage and tourist interest: unique silk saris; clothing in national style with rich embroidery and inlay; luxurious pashmina of the finest wool of yak; shoes – shoes of mojody and jute with funny bells and weaves; Indian national clothes Indian national clothes are practical and suitable for hot summer, travel, sports and yoga due to natural materials and loose cut. Special clothes and jeans, t-shirts, dresses and skirts of Indian manufacture are popular. A huge assortment of catalogs of official sites of clothes and…
Copper products
Indian Cosmetics “The art of decorating” is a literal translation from the Greek language of the word “Cosmetics”. Decorate, emphasize what nature has given. And initially only natural components were used for this: plants, oils, products of animal origin. In Ancient India cosmetics were used by men, women, children, and elderly people. Of course all this was done in compliance with the rules of the caste system and religious affiliation. Particular attention was paid to the eyes – the mirror of the soul. Beauties used mascara and antimony as eyeliner. By the way, in our days you can meet young men with a similar make-up and even babies – this is an ancient way to protect against the evil eye, as well as the method of healing eyelids. Residents of India know a lot about the special properties of herbals, bark of trees, minerals and have long used them in the manufacture of cosmetics. Trust in the experience of ancient wisdom and maintain your natural beauty with health benefits! Welcome to our online store featuring leading Indian brands.
Indian Fabrics Indians know a lot about fabrics – since ancient times they have kept secrets of silk and cotton production, their coloring with natural pigments and drawing by hand stamping. Indian fabrics are cheaper than European ones, but they are not inferior to them in quality. You will be pleasantly surprised by their composition, softness and durability of the dyes. Of course, Indian motifs are always recognizable – it’s rich decor, an abundance of embroidery, glitter, traditional drawings and symbols. You are looking for classic colors, discreet tones, but at the same time focusing on natural fabrics? Indian suppliers are rushing to anticipate these desires. And if you buy textiles in bulk from the manufacturer then the already low price becomes even more attractive. Here you can find high-quality knitwear, soft bedding, woolen cloth. A huge demand for both fabric for tailoring and finished products. Especially fond of travelers cotton covers and cozy woolen blankets, which are so proud masters from the Northern States of India. On our website you can easily place an order for textiles, and if you can not find a particular product then the service “Warehouse in India” will come to the rescue – we…
Indian Food About half of India’s population is engaged in agricultural production. Since ancient times climatic conditions have contributed to this. Cotton, rice and sugar cane receive the necessary moisture during the rainy season and barley and wheat feel fine dry and hot in the winter. Harvesting takes place all year round. The production of foodstuffs is steadily growing due to the improvement of the irrigation system of lands, the use of quality seeds and fertilizers. Supply of Indian food is carried out around the world. A significant share of exports are grains and its basis is the famous tea and coffee. About 470 million tons of tea are produced each year. A significant part of the world market for spices also belongs to India – it is 30%. Of great interest are Indian healthy foods for those who watch their health or follow a vegetarian diet. Excellent quality, compliance with world standards, low price attract wholesale buyers. The possibility of ordering through online stores facilitates the search for suppliers and guarantees prompt delivery. It is so pleasant to please yourself and your loved ones with amazing dishes of Indian cuisine from authentic products with the flavors of those spices…
Goods for creativity
Hemp Products
Household products
Household products from India Do you miss the last vacation in Goa or just admire the eastern architecture and luxury of the palaces of the Maharajas? Create a special atmosphere of mysterious India for a themed party or simply refresh the familiar home interior very easily with the help of a couple of details. It is not necessary to start a global repair. Textiles, dishes, mirrors and pretty little things will convey the mood of a distant subcontinent. Ideas can appear already while viewing the catalog of the goods for the house. And you can buy them on our website without the hassles and noisy bargaining of the eastern bazaars. Be inspired, create and enjoy the result!
Indian Incense Do not underestimate the importance of fragrances in our daily life! With the help of them you can raise your spirits, improve your health, wake up passion or adjust your mind to a working wave. Aromatherapy is one of the components of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The enchanting Indian and Tibetan incense is still an indispensable attribute of religious rituals. They include known aromatic and medicinal substances, spices. You can consult with a specialist, pick up the fragrance according to the horoscope, by the rules of feng shui or just follow your inner sensation. Do not worry about the price: quality incenses are available and if you order them wholesale for example for a massage parlor or a meditative hall in a yoga school the price will be even more pleasant. But avoid very cheap options – most often it’s coal incense the content of natural flavors in which is much lower. Buy sticks or cones, oil for aromatic lamps or concentrated mixtures for puffing – the choice depends on individual susceptibility, size of rooms and purposes. In addition, accessories such as a cradle or incense burner in the oriental style will complement the overall atmosphere of mystery and spirituality.
Indian jewelry and jewelry About 5,000 years ago, according to historians, the people of India began to make their first jewelry. These were not just jewelry, but powerful amulets and important symbols. Endless inspiration for the masters was nature. And still we find these motifs in bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Shine of precious stones is intended to convey the purity of dew drops, the tenderness of flower petals, the juiciness of ripe fruit. Jewelry in India is a national wealth, a reflection of culture and mentality. Few modern women of fashion think about the ancient roots and symbolism of jewelry. Jewelry was designed to activate the chakras, protect from the evil eye, increase the well-being of the family and success in the affairs of the spouse. By far, the most popular gift for any holiday in India is jewelry. Husbands honor traditions and thus contribute to the prosperity of their business. It is through a woman that wealth and happiness will come to the house. For the bride there is a special set of jewelry from 16 elements. He is called Shringar and is associated with the veneration of the goddess Sri Lakshmi – she is responsible for material…
Products for love Since ancient times love has been sung in Indian legends, and the physical closeness between a man and a woman was considered like a divine. Many treatises were devoted to the art of gentle hugs and caresses, including the famous Kamasutra. Behind the walls of magnificent palaces the first beauties of the great principalities appeased the rulers using the secrets of seduction. Indian men brought them to the highest degree of pleasure without losing strength for several hours. Ayurveda attaches great importance to the human sexual energy, which is a reflection of mental and physical health. Getting and giving pleasure lovers come closer to the divine state. Therefore, Indians have always had at their disposal natural remedies for arousing mutual desire, plant tonics for maintaining and restoring male power. Care was taken to strengthen women’s health. The author of the Kama Sutra urged to treat sex as an art. One of the main tasks of a woman was to care for her beauty in order to appear before her chosen one in all her splendor. So special oils made the skin not only especially velvety, but also stimulated the flow of blood to the necessary parts of…
Smartphones and tablets
Mobile phones with delivery from India recent years the popularity of mobile phones, smartphones, laptops and computers of Indian production has increased noticeably among the world and national consumers. Apple does not hide its interests in the region: the production of iPhone 6 and 6S models starts in Bangalore and later the most budgetary model in the line iPhone-SE will join them. Apple is going to squeeze the Indian famous manufacturers. A vivid example is the success of Micromax – 11% of the local mobile phone market. One of the newest and most popular low-cost smartphones: Coolpad Note 3S, Coolpad Note 5 Lite C, Selfie 2 from Micromax, Storm, Buzz and Hyve Pryme from Hyve Mobility. It is worth noting that India is experiencing a selfi-boom – all and everywhere are photographed. Manufacturers take this trend into account and rely on high-quality front and rear cameras, a large amount of built-in memory, an appropriate display extension and a powerful processor. They are not inferior in design and convenience. One of the obvious advantages is the price of Indian mobile phones. Allow yourself to buy them can any average person. In India itself, even in small towns and villages shiny displays…
Motorcycles & Bikes
Musical instruments
Indian Parfum Even just pronouncing the word India we involuntarily catch an endless symphony of magical fragrances. The ancient masters of this country carefully kept the secrets of making incense and perfume. By the way, perfume was usually on an oily basis which allowed the fragrance to soak into the skin and not long leave its master. They are popular until now not inferior to chemical perfumery. Solid perfume – another exotic thing very convenient for travel and for everyday life. Already the names of plants and flowers from which they are made to stupefy the imagination: pandang, champak, kurna, bukol, henna. A little more familiar to us musk, amber, cibetin, backgammon, patchouli and couscous are invariable favorites of Indian perfumers. But the true queen of aromas is a rose and the king is Indian jasmine. Independently or in combination with sandalwood, aloe, tumeric, camphor and other aromatic substances they are part of the most exquisite compositions. Indian spirits are fondly loved by tourists and are a welcome souvenir. And if suddenly the beloved bottle ended before the planned vacation – it does not matter! You can order it on our website using the “Warehouse in India” service: we will…
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Bags & Purses
Bags and Purses from India Leatherworking in India has a long history of development and improvement. Secrets of production and processing, coloring have survived to this day. This contributes to the continuing popularity of women’s and men’s bags, purses and cases for phones from India. The country ranks sixth among the world’s suppliers of leather and products from it. For some states this is one of the traditional crafts in which masters have reached perfection. Ladies’ clutches and hiking backpacks, capacious valise bags and waist bags – all this is done on conscience. Now Indian manufacturers follow world fashion trends and offer a stylish and competitive product. In India they produce leather clothes and accessories for such brands as Pierre Cardin, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, DKNY, Hugo Boss. Admirers of ethnic style will attract pretty embossed bags and wallets with motifs from local folklore and everyday scenes of life. They can combine several textures, different colors and bright decor. Do not forget about the strong tapestry backpacks, fabric bags with beautiful prints, cotton slings. They will be appreciated by adherents of the eco-style. In addition, for vegetarians and all animals-lovers there is a large selection of worthy bags and accessories from…
Clothes & Shoes
Clothing and footwear from India Textile production Textile production is one of the oldest and most important industries for the Indian economy. Indian fabrics with an elegant design and rich decor were valued all over the world since ancient times. Some secrets of coloring are kept in secret until now. Large and small clothing and footwear stores are found at every step in major cities and in the smallest settlements of the country. But more and more often modern Indians use the services of online stores. India ranks second in the world in the production of silk nowadays. Indian cotton and wool are equally popular. Some folk crafts of this sphere have become objects of cultural heritage and tourist interest: unique silk saris; clothing in national style with rich embroidery and inlay; luxurious pashmina of the finest wool of yak; shoes – shoes of mojody and jute with funny bells and weaves; Indian national clothes Indian national clothes are practical and suitable for hot summer, travel, sports and yoga due to natural materials and loose cut. Special clothes and jeans, t-shirts, dresses and skirts of Indian manufacture are popular. A huge assortment of catalogs of official sites of clothes and…
Indian Cosmetics “The art of decorating” is a literal translation from the Greek language of the word “Cosmetics”. Decorate, emphasize what nature has given. And initially only natural components were used for this: plants, oils, products of animal origin. In Ancient India cosmetics were used by men, women, children, and elderly people. Of course all this was done in compliance with the rules of the caste system and religious affiliation. Particular attention was paid to the eyes – the mirror of the soul. Beauties used mascara and antimony as eyeliner. By the way, in our days you can meet young men with a similar make-up and even babies – this is an ancient way to protect against the evil eye, as well as the method of healing eyelids. Residents of India know a lot about the special properties of herbals, bark of trees, minerals and have long used them in the manufacture of cosmetics. Trust in the experience of ancient wisdom and maintain your natural beauty with health benefits! Welcome to our online store featuring leading Indian brands.
Indian Fabrics Indians know a lot about fabrics – since ancient times they have kept secrets of silk and cotton production, their coloring with natural pigments and drawing by hand stamping. Indian fabrics are cheaper than European ones, but they are not inferior to them in quality. You will be pleasantly surprised by their composition, softness and durability of the dyes. Of course, Indian motifs are always recognizable – it’s rich decor, an abundance of embroidery, glitter, traditional drawings and symbols. You are looking for classic colors, discreet tones, but at the same time focusing on natural fabrics? Indian suppliers are rushing to anticipate these desires. And if you buy textiles in bulk from the manufacturer then the already low price becomes even more attractive. Here you can find high-quality knitwear, soft bedding, woolen cloth. A huge demand for both fabric for tailoring and finished products. Especially fond of travelers cotton covers and cozy woolen blankets, which are so proud masters from the Northern States of India. On our website you can easily place an order for textiles, and if you can not find a particular product then the service “Warehouse in India” will come to the rescue – we…
Indian Food About half of India’s population is engaged in agricultural production. Since ancient times climatic conditions have contributed to this. Cotton, rice and sugar cane receive the necessary moisture during the rainy season and barley and wheat feel fine dry and hot in the winter. Harvesting takes place all year round. The production of foodstuffs is steadily growing due to the improvement of the irrigation system of lands, the use of quality seeds and fertilizers. Supply of Indian food is carried out around the world. A significant share of exports are grains and its basis is the famous tea and coffee. About 470 million tons of tea are produced each year. A significant part of the world market for spices also belongs to India – it is 30%. Of great interest are Indian healthy foods for those who watch their health or follow a vegetarian diet. Excellent quality, compliance with world standards, low price attract wholesale buyers. The possibility of ordering through online stores facilitates the search for suppliers and guarantees prompt delivery. It is so pleasant to please yourself and your loved ones with amazing dishes of Indian cuisine from authentic products with the flavors of those spices…
For Animals
Goods for creativity
Hemp Products
Household products
Household products from India Do you miss the last vacation in Goa or just admire the eastern architecture and luxury of the palaces of the Maharajas? Create a special atmosphere of mysterious India for a themed party or simply refresh the familiar home interior very easily with the help of a couple of details. It is not necessary to start a global repair. Textiles, dishes, mirrors and pretty little things will convey the mood of a distant subcontinent. Ideas can appear already while viewing the catalog of the goods for the house. And you can buy them on our website without the hassles and noisy bargaining of the eastern bazaars. Be inspired, create and enjoy the result!
Indian Incense Do not underestimate the importance of fragrances in our daily life! With the help of them you can raise your spirits, improve your health, wake up passion or adjust your mind to a working wave. Aromatherapy is one of the components of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The enchanting Indian and Tibetan incense is still an indispensable attribute of religious rituals. They include known aromatic and medicinal substances, spices. You can consult with a specialist, pick up the fragrance according to the horoscope, by the rules of feng shui or just follow your inner sensation. Do not worry about the price: quality incenses are available and if you order them wholesale for example for a massage parlor or a meditative hall in a yoga school the price will be even more pleasant. But avoid very cheap options – most often it’s coal incense the content of natural flavors in which is much lower. Buy sticks or cones, oil for aromatic lamps or concentrated mixtures for puffing – the choice depends on individual susceptibility, size of rooms and purposes. In addition, accessories such as a cradle or incense burner in the oriental style will complement the overall atmosphere of mystery and spirituality.
Indian jewelry and jewelry About 5,000 years ago, according to historians, the people of India began to make their first jewelry. These were not just jewelry, but powerful amulets and important symbols. Endless inspiration for the masters was nature. And still we find these motifs in bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Shine of precious stones is intended to convey the purity of dew drops, the tenderness of flower petals, the juiciness of ripe fruit. Jewelry in India is a national wealth, a reflection of culture and mentality. Few modern women of fashion think about the ancient roots and symbolism of jewelry. Jewelry was designed to activate the chakras, protect from the evil eye, increase the well-being of the family and success in the affairs of the spouse. By far, the most popular gift for any holiday in India is jewelry. Husbands honor traditions and thus contribute to the prosperity of their business. It is through a woman that wealth and happiness will come to the house. For the bride there is a special set of jewelry from 16 elements. He is called Shringar and is associated with the veneration of the goddess Sri Lakshmi – she is responsible for material…
Products for love Since ancient times love has been sung in Indian legends, and the physical closeness between a man and a woman was considered like a divine. Many treatises were devoted to the art of gentle hugs and caresses, including the famous Kamasutra. Behind the walls of magnificent palaces the first beauties of the great principalities appeased the rulers using the secrets of seduction. Indian men brought them to the highest degree of pleasure without losing strength for several hours. Ayurveda attaches great importance to the human sexual energy, which is a reflection of mental and physical health. Getting and giving pleasure lovers come closer to the divine state. Therefore, Indians have always had at their disposal natural remedies for arousing mutual desire, plant tonics for maintaining and restoring male power. Care was taken to strengthen women’s health. The author of the Kama Sutra urged to treat sex as an art. One of the main tasks of a woman was to care for her beauty in order to appear before her chosen one in all her splendor. So special oils made the skin not only especially velvety, but also stimulated the flow of blood to the necessary parts of…
Smartphones and tablets
Mobile phones with delivery from India recent years the popularity of mobile phones, smartphones, laptops and computers of Indian production has increased noticeably among the world and national consumers. Apple does not hide its interests in the region: the production of iPhone 6 and 6S models starts in Bangalore and later the most budgetary model in the line iPhone-SE will join them. Apple is going to squeeze the Indian famous manufacturers. A vivid example is the success of Micromax – 11% of the local mobile phone market. One of the newest and most popular low-cost smartphones: Coolpad Note 3S, Coolpad Note 5 Lite C, Selfie 2 from Micromax, Storm, Buzz and Hyve Pryme from Hyve Mobility. It is worth noting that India is experiencing a selfi-boom – all and everywhere are photographed. Manufacturers take this trend into account and rely on high-quality front and rear cameras, a large amount of built-in memory, an appropriate display extension and a powerful processor. They are not inferior in design and convenience. One of the obvious advantages is the price of Indian mobile phones. Allow yourself to buy them can any average person. In India itself, even in small towns and villages shiny displays…
Motorcycles & Bikes
Musical instruments
Indian Parfum Even just pronouncing the word India we involuntarily catch an endless symphony of magical fragrances. The ancient masters of this country carefully kept the secrets of making incense and perfume. By the way, perfume was usually on an oily basis which allowed the fragrance to soak into the skin and not long leave its master. They are popular until now not inferior to chemical perfumery. Solid perfume – another exotic thing very convenient for travel and for everyday life. Already the names of plants and flowers from which they are made to stupefy the imagination: pandang, champak, kurna, bukol, henna. A little more familiar to us musk, amber, cibetin, backgammon, patchouli and couscous are invariable favorites of Indian perfumers. But the true queen of aromas is a rose and the king is Indian jasmine. Independently or in combination with sandalwood, aloe, tumeric, camphor and other aromatic substances they are part of the most exquisite compositions. Indian spirits are fondly loved by tourists and are a welcome souvenir. And if suddenly the beloved bottle ended before the planned vacation – it does not matter! You can order it on our website using the “Warehouse in India” service: we will…
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Products for children
Products for children from India Children under 2-3 years in India are little deities. They are pampered in every possible way, surrounded by love and care, never scolded for pranks. Ahead of them is a busy and not always easy life, but patience, kindness and humility imparted by parents will help to cope with difficulties. Not surprisingly the range of children’s goods in India is simply huge: toys, clothes, shoes, books, hygiene products. So practically every famous cosmetic brand has a special children’s line: shampoos, creams and toothpastes in bright attractive packaging. The composition will please the attentive parents and pleasant fragrances and textures will appeal to the children. Many ayurvedic recipes are used for the production of care products for crumbs from the first days of their life – powders based on natural ingredients, natural soaps and oils. Children’s clothing is a separate topic. Incredible choice of stylish T-shirts and jeans, dresses and skirts. Mostly used natural fabrics and bright prints. At the same time prices are very affordable. The same goes for shoes. Looking for a quality ball or other sporting goods? In India sports are very popular and therefore the choice of attributes is worthy. And of…
Sports goods
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Bags & Purses
Bags and Purses from India Leatherworking in India has a long history of development and improvement. Secrets of production and processing, coloring have survived to this day. This contributes to the continuing popularity of women’s and men’s bags, purses and cases for phones from India. The country ranks sixth among the world’s suppliers of leather and products from it. For some states this is one of the traditional crafts in which masters have reached perfection. Ladies’ clutches and hiking backpacks, capacious valise bags and waist bags – all this is done on conscience. Now Indian manufacturers follow world fashion trends and offer a stylish and competitive product. In India they produce leather clothes and accessories for such brands as Pierre Cardin, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, DKNY, Hugo Boss. Admirers of ethnic style will attract pretty embossed bags and wallets with motifs from local folklore and everyday scenes of life. They can combine several textures, different colors and bright decor. Do not forget about the strong tapestry backpacks, fabric bags with beautiful prints, cotton slings. They will be appreciated by adherents of the eco-style. In addition, for vegetarians and all animals-lovers there is a large selection of worthy bags and accessories from…
Books and CDs
Clothes & Shoes
Clothing and footwear from India Textile production Textile production is one of the oldest and most important industries for the Indian economy. Indian fabrics with an elegant design and rich decor were valued all over the world since ancient times. Some secrets of coloring are kept in secret until now. Large and small clothing and footwear stores are found at every step in major cities and in the smallest settlements of the country. But more and more often modern Indians use the services of online stores. India ranks second in the world in the production of silk nowadays. Indian cotton and wool are equally popular. Some folk crafts of this sphere have become objects of cultural heritage and tourist interest: unique silk saris; clothing in national style with rich embroidery and inlay; luxurious pashmina of the finest wool of yak; shoes – shoes of mojody and jute with funny bells and weaves; Indian national clothes Indian national clothes are practical and suitable for hot summer, travel, sports and yoga due to natural materials and loose cut. Special clothes and jeans, t-shirts, dresses and skirts of Indian manufacture are popular. A huge assortment of catalogs of official sites of clothes and…
Copper products
Indian Cosmetics “The art of decorating” is a literal translation from the Greek language of the word “Cosmetics”. Decorate, emphasize what nature has given. And initially only natural components were used for this: plants, oils, products of animal origin. In Ancient India cosmetics were used by men, women, children, and elderly people. Of course all this was done in compliance with the rules of the caste system and religious affiliation. Particular attention was paid to the eyes – the mirror of the soul. Beauties used mascara and antimony as eyeliner. By the way, in our days you can meet young men with a similar make-up and even babies – this is an ancient way to protect against the evil eye, as well as the method of healing eyelids. Residents of India know a lot about the special properties of herbals, bark of trees, minerals and have long used them in the manufacture of cosmetics. Trust in the experience of ancient wisdom and maintain your natural beauty with health benefits! Welcome to our online store featuring leading Indian brands.
Indian Fabrics Indians know a lot about fabrics – since ancient times they have kept secrets of silk and cotton production, their coloring with natural pigments and drawing by hand stamping. Indian fabrics are cheaper than European ones, but they are not inferior to them in quality. You will be pleasantly surprised by their composition, softness and durability of the dyes. Of course, Indian motifs are always recognizable – it’s rich decor, an abundance of embroidery, glitter, traditional drawings and symbols. You are looking for classic colors, discreet tones, but at the same time focusing on natural fabrics? Indian suppliers are rushing to anticipate these desires. And if you buy textiles in bulk from the manufacturer then the already low price becomes even more attractive. Here you can find high-quality knitwear, soft bedding, woolen cloth. A huge demand for both fabric for tailoring and finished products. Especially fond of travelers cotton covers and cozy woolen blankets, which are so proud masters from the Northern States of India. On our website you can easily place an order for textiles, and if you can not find a particular product then the service “Warehouse in India” will come to the rescue – we…
Indian Food About half of India’s population is engaged in agricultural production. Since ancient times climatic conditions have contributed to this. Cotton, rice and sugar cane receive the necessary moisture during the rainy season and barley and wheat feel fine dry and hot in the winter. Harvesting takes place all year round. The production of foodstuffs is steadily growing due to the improvement of the irrigation system of lands, the use of quality seeds and fertilizers. Supply of Indian food is carried out around the world. A significant share of exports are grains and its basis is the famous tea and coffee. About 470 million tons of tea are produced each year. A significant part of the world market for spices also belongs to India – it is 30%. Of great interest are Indian healthy foods for those who watch their health or follow a vegetarian diet. Excellent quality, compliance with world standards, low price attract wholesale buyers. The possibility of ordering through online stores facilitates the search for suppliers and guarantees prompt delivery. It is so pleasant to please yourself and your loved ones with amazing dishes of Indian cuisine from authentic products with the flavors of those spices…
Goods for creativity
Hemp Products
Household products
Household products from India Do you miss the last vacation in Goa or just admire the eastern architecture and luxury of the palaces of the Maharajas? Create a special atmosphere of mysterious India for a themed party or simply refresh the familiar home interior very easily with the help of a couple of details. It is not necessary to start a global repair. Textiles, dishes, mirrors and pretty little things will convey the mood of a distant subcontinent. Ideas can appear already while viewing the catalog of the goods for the house. And you can buy them on our website without the hassles and noisy bargaining of the eastern bazaars. Be inspired, create and enjoy the result!
Indian Incense Do not underestimate the importance of fragrances in our daily life! With the help of them you can raise your spirits, improve your health, wake up passion or adjust your mind to a working wave. Aromatherapy is one of the components of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The enchanting Indian and Tibetan incense is still an indispensable attribute of religious rituals. They include known aromatic and medicinal substances, spices. You can consult with a specialist, pick up the fragrance according to the horoscope, by the rules of feng shui or just follow your inner sensation. Do not worry about the price: quality incenses are available and if you order them wholesale for example for a massage parlor or a meditative hall in a yoga school the price will be even more pleasant. But avoid very cheap options – most often it’s coal incense the content of natural flavors in which is much lower. Buy sticks or cones, oil for aromatic lamps or concentrated mixtures for puffing – the choice depends on individual susceptibility, size of rooms and purposes. In addition, accessories such as a cradle or incense burner in the oriental style will complement the overall atmosphere of mystery and spirituality.
Indian jewelry and jewelry About 5,000 years ago, according to historians, the people of India began to make their first jewelry. These were not just jewelry, but powerful amulets and important symbols. Endless inspiration for the masters was nature. And still we find these motifs in bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Shine of precious stones is intended to convey the purity of dew drops, the tenderness of flower petals, the juiciness of ripe fruit. Jewelry in India is a national wealth, a reflection of culture and mentality. Few modern women of fashion think about the ancient roots and symbolism of jewelry. Jewelry was designed to activate the chakras, protect from the evil eye, increase the well-being of the family and success in the affairs of the spouse. By far, the most popular gift for any holiday in India is jewelry. Husbands honor traditions and thus contribute to the prosperity of their business. It is through a woman that wealth and happiness will come to the house. For the bride there is a special set of jewelry from 16 elements. He is called Shringar and is associated with the veneration of the goddess Sri Lakshmi – she is responsible for material…
Products for love Since ancient times love has been sung in Indian legends, and the physical closeness between a man and a woman was considered like a divine. Many treatises were devoted to the art of gentle hugs and caresses, including the famous Kamasutra. Behind the walls of magnificent palaces the first beauties of the great principalities appeased the rulers using the secrets of seduction. Indian men brought them to the highest degree of pleasure without losing strength for several hours. Ayurveda attaches great importance to the human sexual energy, which is a reflection of mental and physical health. Getting and giving pleasure lovers come closer to the divine state. Therefore, Indians have always had at their disposal natural remedies for arousing mutual desire, plant tonics for maintaining and restoring male power. Care was taken to strengthen women’s health. The author of the Kama Sutra urged to treat sex as an art. One of the main tasks of a woman was to care for her beauty in order to appear before her chosen one in all her splendor. So special oils made the skin not only especially velvety, but also stimulated the flow of blood to the necessary parts of…
Smartphones and tablets
Mobile phones with delivery from India recent years the popularity of mobile phones, smartphones, laptops and computers of Indian production has increased noticeably among the world and national consumers. Apple does not hide its interests in the region: the production of iPhone 6 and 6S models starts in Bangalore and later the most budgetary model in the line iPhone-SE will join them. Apple is going to squeeze the Indian famous manufacturers. A vivid example is the success of Micromax – 11% of the local mobile phone market. One of the newest and most popular low-cost smartphones: Coolpad Note 3S, Coolpad Note 5 Lite C, Selfie 2 from Micromax, Storm, Buzz and Hyve Pryme from Hyve Mobility. It is worth noting that India is experiencing a selfi-boom – all and everywhere are photographed. Manufacturers take this trend into account and rely on high-quality front and rear cameras, a large amount of built-in memory, an appropriate display extension and a powerful processor. They are not inferior in design and convenience. One of the obvious advantages is the price of Indian mobile phones. Allow yourself to buy them can any average person. In India itself, even in small towns and villages shiny displays…
Motorcycles & Bikes
Musical instruments
Indian Parfum Even just pronouncing the word India we involuntarily catch an endless symphony of magical fragrances. The ancient masters of this country carefully kept the secrets of making incense and perfume. By the way, perfume was usually on an oily basis which allowed the fragrance to soak into the skin and not long leave its master. They are popular until now not inferior to chemical perfumery. Solid perfume – another exotic thing very convenient for travel and for everyday life. Already the names of plants and flowers from which they are made to stupefy the imagination: pandang, champak, kurna, bukol, henna. A little more familiar to us musk, amber, cibetin, backgammon, patchouli and couscous are invariable favorites of Indian perfumers. But the true queen of aromas is a rose and the king is Indian jasmine. Independently or in combination with sandalwood, aloe, tumeric, camphor and other aromatic substances they are part of the most exquisite compositions. Indian spirits are fondly loved by tourists and are a welcome souvenir. And if suddenly the beloved bottle ended before the planned vacation – it does not matter! You can order it on our website using the “Warehouse in India” service: we will…
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Bags & Purses
Bags and Purses from India Leatherworking in India has a long history of development and improvement. Secrets of production and processing, coloring have survived to this day. This contributes to the continuing popularity of women’s and men’s bags, purses and cases for phones from India. The country ranks sixth among the world’s suppliers of leather and products from it. For some states this is one of the traditional crafts in which masters have reached perfection. Ladies’ clutches and hiking backpacks, capacious valise bags and waist bags – all this is done on conscience. Now Indian manufacturers follow world fashion trends and offer a stylish and competitive product. In India they produce leather clothes and accessories for such brands as Pierre Cardin, Tommy Hilfiger, Versace, DKNY, Hugo Boss. Admirers of ethnic style will attract pretty embossed bags and wallets with motifs from local folklore and everyday scenes of life. They can combine several textures, different colors and bright decor. Do not forget about the strong tapestry backpacks, fabric bags with beautiful prints, cotton slings. They will be appreciated by adherents of the eco-style. In addition, for vegetarians and all animals-lovers there is a large selection of worthy bags and accessories from…
Clothes & Shoes
Clothing and footwear from India Textile production Textile production is one of the oldest and most important industries for the Indian economy. Indian fabrics with an elegant design and rich decor were valued all over the world since ancient times. Some secrets of coloring are kept in secret until now. Large and small clothing and footwear stores are found at every step in major cities and in the smallest settlements of the country. But more and more often modern Indians use the services of online stores. India ranks second in the world in the production of silk nowadays. Indian cotton and wool are equally popular. Some folk crafts of this sphere have become objects of cultural heritage and tourist interest: unique silk saris; clothing in national style with rich embroidery and inlay; luxurious pashmina of the finest wool of yak; shoes – shoes of mojody and jute with funny bells and weaves; Indian national clothes Indian national clothes are practical and suitable for hot summer, travel, sports and yoga due to natural materials and loose cut. Special clothes and jeans, t-shirts, dresses and skirts of Indian manufacture are popular. A huge assortment of catalogs of official sites of clothes and…
Indian Cosmetics “The art of decorating” is a literal translation from the Greek language of the word “Cosmetics”. Decorate, emphasize what nature has given. And initially only natural components were used for this: plants, oils, products of animal origin. In Ancient India cosmetics were used by men, women, children, and elderly people. Of course all this was done in compliance with the rules of the caste system and religious affiliation. Particular attention was paid to the eyes – the mirror of the soul. Beauties used mascara and antimony as eyeliner. By the way, in our days you can meet young men with a similar make-up and even babies – this is an ancient way to protect against the evil eye, as well as the method of healing eyelids. Residents of India know a lot about the special properties of herbals, bark of trees, minerals and have long used them in the manufacture of cosmetics. Trust in the experience of ancient wisdom and maintain your natural beauty with health benefits! Welcome to our online store featuring leading Indian brands.
Indian Fabrics Indians know a lot about fabrics – since ancient times they have kept secrets of silk and cotton production, their coloring with natural pigments and drawing by hand stamping. Indian fabrics are cheaper than European ones, but they are not inferior to them in quality. You will be pleasantly surprised by their composition, softness and durability of the dyes. Of course, Indian motifs are always recognizable – it’s rich decor, an abundance of embroidery, glitter, traditional drawings and symbols. You are looking for classic colors, discreet tones, but at the same time focusing on natural fabrics? Indian suppliers are rushing to anticipate these desires. And if you buy textiles in bulk from the manufacturer then the already low price becomes even more attractive. Here you can find high-quality knitwear, soft bedding, woolen cloth. A huge demand for both fabric for tailoring and finished products. Especially fond of travelers cotton covers and cozy woolen blankets, which are so proud masters from the Northern States of India. On our website you can easily place an order for textiles, and if you can not find a particular product then the service “Warehouse in India” will come to the rescue – we…
Indian Food About half of India’s population is engaged in agricultural production. Since ancient times climatic conditions have contributed to this. Cotton, rice and sugar cane receive the necessary moisture during the rainy season and barley and wheat feel fine dry and hot in the winter. Harvesting takes place all year round. The production of foodstuffs is steadily growing due to the improvement of the irrigation system of lands, the use of quality seeds and fertilizers. Supply of Indian food is carried out around the world. A significant share of exports are grains and its basis is the famous tea and coffee. About 470 million tons of tea are produced each year. A significant part of the world market for spices also belongs to India – it is 30%. Of great interest are Indian healthy foods for those who watch their health or follow a vegetarian diet. Excellent quality, compliance with world standards, low price attract wholesale buyers. The possibility of ordering through online stores facilitates the search for suppliers and guarantees prompt delivery. It is so pleasant to please yourself and your loved ones with amazing dishes of Indian cuisine from authentic products with the flavors of those spices…
For Animals
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Hemp Products
Household products
Household products from India Do you miss the last vacation in Goa or just admire the eastern architecture and luxury of the palaces of the Maharajas? Create a special atmosphere of mysterious India for a themed party or simply refresh the familiar home interior very easily with the help of a couple of details. It is not necessary to start a global repair. Textiles, dishes, mirrors and pretty little things will convey the mood of a distant subcontinent. Ideas can appear already while viewing the catalog of the goods for the house. And you can buy them on our website without the hassles and noisy bargaining of the eastern bazaars. Be inspired, create and enjoy the result!
Indian Incense Do not underestimate the importance of fragrances in our daily life! With the help of them you can raise your spirits, improve your health, wake up passion or adjust your mind to a working wave. Aromatherapy is one of the components of ancient Ayurvedic medicine. The enchanting Indian and Tibetan incense is still an indispensable attribute of religious rituals. They include known aromatic and medicinal substances, spices. You can consult with a specialist, pick up the fragrance according to the horoscope, by the rules of feng shui or just follow your inner sensation. Do not worry about the price: quality incenses are available and if you order them wholesale for example for a massage parlor or a meditative hall in a yoga school the price will be even more pleasant. But avoid very cheap options – most often it’s coal incense the content of natural flavors in which is much lower. Buy sticks or cones, oil for aromatic lamps or concentrated mixtures for puffing – the choice depends on individual susceptibility, size of rooms and purposes. In addition, accessories such as a cradle or incense burner in the oriental style will complement the overall atmosphere of mystery and spirituality.
Indian jewelry and jewelry About 5,000 years ago, according to historians, the people of India began to make their first jewelry. These were not just jewelry, but powerful amulets and important symbols. Endless inspiration for the masters was nature. And still we find these motifs in bracelets, rings, necklaces and earrings. Shine of precious stones is intended to convey the purity of dew drops, the tenderness of flower petals, the juiciness of ripe fruit. Jewelry in India is a national wealth, a reflection of culture and mentality. Few modern women of fashion think about the ancient roots and symbolism of jewelry. Jewelry was designed to activate the chakras, protect from the evil eye, increase the well-being of the family and success in the affairs of the spouse. By far, the most popular gift for any holiday in India is jewelry. Husbands honor traditions and thus contribute to the prosperity of their business. It is through a woman that wealth and happiness will come to the house. For the bride there is a special set of jewelry from 16 elements. He is called Shringar and is associated with the veneration of the goddess Sri Lakshmi – she is responsible for material…
Products for love Since ancient times love has been sung in Indian legends, and the physical closeness between a man and a woman was considered like a divine. Many treatises were devoted to the art of gentle hugs and caresses, including the famous Kamasutra. Behind the walls of magnificent palaces the first beauties of the great principalities appeased the rulers using the secrets of seduction. Indian men brought them to the highest degree of pleasure without losing strength for several hours. Ayurveda attaches great importance to the human sexual energy, which is a reflection of mental and physical health. Getting and giving pleasure lovers come closer to the divine state. Therefore, Indians have always had at their disposal natural remedies for arousing mutual desire, plant tonics for maintaining and restoring male power. Care was taken to strengthen women’s health. The author of the Kama Sutra urged to treat sex as an art. One of the main tasks of a woman was to care for her beauty in order to appear before her chosen one in all her splendor. So special oils made the skin not only especially velvety, but also stimulated the flow of blood to the necessary parts of…
Smartphones and tablets
Mobile phones with delivery from India recent years the popularity of mobile phones, smartphones, laptops and computers of Indian production has increased noticeably among the world and national consumers. Apple does not hide its interests in the region: the production of iPhone 6 and 6S models starts in Bangalore and later the most budgetary model in the line iPhone-SE will join them. Apple is going to squeeze the Indian famous manufacturers. A vivid example is the success of Micromax – 11% of the local mobile phone market. One of the newest and most popular low-cost smartphones: Coolpad Note 3S, Coolpad Note 5 Lite C, Selfie 2 from Micromax, Storm, Buzz and Hyve Pryme from Hyve Mobility. It is worth noting that India is experiencing a selfi-boom – all and everywhere are photographed. Manufacturers take this trend into account and rely on high-quality front and rear cameras, a large amount of built-in memory, an appropriate display extension and a powerful processor. They are not inferior in design and convenience. One of the obvious advantages is the price of Indian mobile phones. Allow yourself to buy them can any average person. In India itself, even in small towns and villages shiny displays…
Motorcycles & Bikes
Musical instruments
Indian Parfum Even just pronouncing the word India we involuntarily catch an endless symphony of magical fragrances. The ancient masters of this country carefully kept the secrets of making incense and perfume. By the way, perfume was usually on an oily basis which allowed the fragrance to soak into the skin and not long leave its master. They are popular until now not inferior to chemical perfumery. Solid perfume – another exotic thing very convenient for travel and for everyday life. Already the names of plants and flowers from which they are made to stupefy the imagination: pandang, champak, kurna, bukol, henna. A little more familiar to us musk, amber, cibetin, backgammon, patchouli and couscous are invariable favorites of Indian perfumers. But the true queen of aromas is a rose and the king is Indian jasmine. Independently or in combination with sandalwood, aloe, tumeric, camphor and other aromatic substances they are part of the most exquisite compositions. Indian spirits are fondly loved by tourists and are a welcome souvenir. And if suddenly the beloved bottle ended before the planned vacation – it does not matter! You can order it on our website using the “Warehouse in India” service: we will…
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Products for children
Products for children from India Children under 2-3 years in India are little deities. They are pampered in every possible way, surrounded by love and care, never scolded for pranks. Ahead of them is a busy and not always easy life, but patience, kindness and humility imparted by parents will help to cope with difficulties. Not surprisingly the range of children’s goods in India is simply huge: toys, clothes, shoes, books, hygiene products. So practically every famous cosmetic brand has a special children’s line: shampoos, creams and toothpastes in bright attractive packaging. The composition will please the attentive parents and pleasant fragrances and textures will appeal to the children. Many ayurvedic recipes are used for the production of care products for crumbs from the first days of their life – powders based on natural ingredients, natural soaps and oils. Children’s clothing is a separate topic. Incredible choice of stylish T-shirts and jeans, dresses and skirts. Mostly used natural fabrics and bright prints. At the same time prices are very affordable. The same goes for shoes. Looking for a quality ball or other sporting goods? In India sports are very popular and therefore the choice of attributes is worthy. And of…
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HARIO Technica Three Cup Coffee Siphon, 360ml
Coffee Makers
Original price was: 14,500.00₹.
Current price is: 9,999.00₹.
HARIO Technica Three Cup Coffee Siphon, 360ml quantity
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Tefal Plastic Apprecia 6-Cup Coffee Maker, 0.6 Liters, Metallic Grey
Coffee Makers
Original price was: 6,500.00₹.
Current price is: 2,449.00₹.
Tefal Plastic Apprecia 6-Cup Coffee Maker, 0.6 Liters, Metallic Grey quantity
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