Benefits of Indian Lemongrass

Лемонграсс, товары из индии, goods from india, Lemongrass

Lemongrass (lemon grass, cymbopogon, lemongrass, lemongrass, broomstick) is known for its bright lemon-citrus aroma and flavor reminiscent of lemon zest. This plant should not be confused with the lemon. The only thing that connects the two is the pleasant citrusy odor and the name: “lemongrass” translates to “lemon grass”.

This fragrant tropical herbaceous shrub thrives in various parts of India, especially in tropical regions with humid climates. Lemongrass prefers fertile, well-drained soils and needs abundant sunlight for good growth. It grows successfully in open fields as well as in gardens or even in pots at home.

How to grow lemongrass at home

Лемонграсс, Lemongrass

Growing lemongrass in pots is a great idea as it is a delicate plant. You can keep it outdoors in the summer and bring it indoors in the winter. It is important to provide lemongrass with enough moisture, so keep an eye on the moisture level in the soil and avoid drying it out. You can reduce watering in winter, but avoid drying out the soil. Lemongrass can be grown from both stems and seeds, which can be purchased from gardening stores.

Growing lemongrass from seed is quite simple. In the spring, sow the seeds in a thin layer on the surface of moist compost, but do not cover them with soil. When the seeds have grown enough to work with, they should be transplanted into larger pots and placed in a sunny spot where there are no drafts. Once the roots have grown through the bottom of the pot, the plant can be transplanted into an even larger pot. This process can be repeated several times to give the plant enough room to grow and develop.

Another way to grow lemongrass is from a store-bought stem. Take a whole lemongrass stem, and if its base is woody, cut off the bottom slice with a sharp knife. This will help improve the plant’s water nutrition process. Cut off all the leaves and place the stem in a glass of warm water. Place it on a warm, sunny windowsill and change the water every day. After a few weeks, the stem should develop roots. Then place the rooted stem in a pot of all-purpose compost without soil

What lemongrass is good for

Лемонграсс, Lemongrass

Modern research has confirmed the many beneficial properties of lemongrass. The plant contains a complex of biologically active compounds, including vitamins B, PP, C, beta-carotene, minerals (such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.), as well as citral, myrcene, geraniol and folic acid.

Citronella has many health benefits, making it a valuable ingredient in medicine and gastronomy. The lemongrass flavor has a calming effect on the nervous system, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels and improve emotional well-being. In addition, citronella has antiphlogistic and antibacterial properties that help maintain a strong immune system and fight infections.

Consuming lemongrass in the form of tea or added to meals helps stimulate digestion, improves metabolism and reduces bloating. Also, consuming this plant can help lower blood pressure and maintain a healthy heart. The antioxidant-rich composition of lemongrass helps fight free radicals, protecting the body’s cells from damage.

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Due to its antifungal properties, lemongrass can be useful in combating various fungal skin lesions. It also has the ability to soothe pain and reduce inflammation. The use of lemongrass can help reduce pain and inflammation in joints, muscles, and other tissues. Finally, the aroma of lemongrass helps to increase concentration, alertness and mental clarity.

Essential oil: the most popular remedy from the plant

Лемонграсс, Lemongrass

Lemongrass essential oil can be added to a bath, especially before bedtime, to help relax and ensure quality sleep. It is recommended to take such baths for a course of at least ten consecutive days to maximize the effect. Also, essential oil can be used in aroma lamps, which helps to calm the nervous system, relieve excessive excitability and create a positive mood.

Lemongrass essential oil also comes in handy for massage, especially for rheumatism, joint and tendon pain. However, before using it, it is important to check the skin for allergic reactions.

In cosmetology, lemongrass essential oil is added to skin cleansers, such as toners, masks and other products. The useful components of the oil help to cope with irritation, flaking and other aesthetic skin problems.

However, keep in mind that some people may have an intolerance to lemongrass, so it is recommended to perform a skin sensitivity test before using the essential oil

Lemongrass in cooking

Лемонграсс, Lemongrass

Lemongrass is often used in cooking due to its refreshing citrus aroma and unique flavor. Note that when lemongrass is used in cooking, often only the bottom part of the stem is used, as the top part is too tough to eat. Also, lemongrass stems should be crushed or chopped before use to release their aroma and flavor.

Fresh lemongrass stems are added to soups, curries, stews and other dishes to give them a refreshing aroma and citrus flavor. Lemongrass stems can also be cut and added to liquids when boiling rice or making sauces.

Dried lemongrass stems can be used to make a fragrant tea that has a pleasant citrus flavor and aroma. To do this, simply pour boiling water over the chopped lemongrass stems and let them infuse.

Lemongrass is added to marinades for meat, fish or vegetables to give them a refreshing flavor and aroma. It is also used in sauces and dressings for salads and seafood.

Some desserts such as pies, ice cream and panacotta use lemongrass extracts or oils to add a refreshing citrus flavor.

Where to buy Lemongrass

Лемонграсс, Lemongrass

You can buy lemongrass in India in stores, pharmacies, markets or online at our website.

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